Security Awareness, Training

Security Awareness, Training Programs & Workshops

Tailored Awareness Training across your organisation

  • Our Security Awareness Training Programs are tailored to suit your organisation’s requirements. Presenting content relevant for your industry and business type, and for staff at all levels, will provide the knowledge for your people to prevent, detect and manage security risks.
  • Each program includes sessions delivered either through a chosen technology platform, or as in-person sessions, or a combination of both.
  • The program can be extended to include Advisory and Offensive services to test the effectiveness of the security awareness training over time. Presenting the findings in the context of an end-to-end governance structure will ensure ongoing management support to meet your defined security awareness objectives.

Security Awareness Training Program

We design programs to reinforce Security Awareness by providing an additional layer to your existing Security Awareness Platform, and to align with your existing LMS training program. The messages are tailored to your industry and are aimed at assisting in promoting a cyber awareness culture, across your organisation. This will playing a key role in your ongoing security maturity uplift.

Select from the following services to further tailor a solution to meet your training agenda:

  • Customised Communication Package,
  • Social Engineering to test training effectiveness,
  • Training modified to suit the varied teams in your business,
  • Simulation & Exercises,
  • Management/Executive and Board briefing sessions.

Contact us to discuss your tailored Security Awareness training and program.

Developer Security – ‘Shifting Left’

Application development is a fast and dynamic industry – the cycle of code releases is increasing with the pace of business.

The concept of Shifting Left simply refers to bringing in the topic & understanding of security as early into the development stage as possible.

WHITE ROOK Cyber offers a range of services to help build your DevOps into DevSecOps.

Developer Workshops

We use the results of recent penetration testing to educate your staff on how to avoid similar issues in the future.

Contact us discuss your Developer Security Training

Root Cause Workshop

The vulnerabilities identified in penetration testing are often symptoms of underlying issues. The vulnerabilities could be caused by issues such as missing processes or procedures, missing underlying security controls, insecure practices, or insecure development styles.

Without addressing these root causes, the same kinds of vulnerabilities will be incorporated into other projects and systems, or will just return again at a later date.

The WHITE ROOK Root Cause Workshop brings together stakeholders, developers, administrators, and other relevant parties to go through each vulnerability and seek to highlight the root causes. The workshop will be facilitated by a Principal Security Consultant with advanced knowledge of underlying business processes, using tools and techniques such as the 5 Whys from Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma and industry standard frameworks such as NIST and ISO27001.

Following the workshop, the Principal Security Consultant will develop a report based on the outcomes and findings that will act as an addendum to the penetration testing report. This report will provide business level recommendations around fixing the root causes, recommendations that will save time and money by preventing vulnerabilities not just in the tested system but in all systems around the organisation.

See our Simulations & Exercises Section for further training